Works cited

2014.Web. NYPL Digital Gallery. <>.

Bell, J. L. "Boston Massacre: Pamphlets and Propaganda." Americans at War. Ed. John P. Resch. Vol. 1: 1500-1815. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 20-22. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.

"The Account of The Boston Massacre As reported in The Boston Gazette and Country        Journal." Archiving Early America. 2013.Web. <>.

"ArtStor." 2014.Web. <|search|6|All20Collections3A20boston20massacre|Filtered20Search|||type3D3626kw3Dboston20massacre26geoIds3D26clsIds3D26collTypes3D26id3Dall26bDate3D26eDate3D26dExact3D26prGeoId3D26origKW3D>.

Avdellas, Lynne. The Boston Massacre: You Be The Judge! 2013.Web. <>.

Korsmeyer, Carolyn. "Pictorial Assertion." The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Spring, 1985): 257-265.

Miller, Laura M. "Slave Andrew's Testimony in the Boston Massacre Trial (1770)." Dictionary of American History. Ed. Stanley I. Kutler. 3rd ed. Vol. 9. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003. 130-131. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.

"Paul Revere's Engraving - Explained." 2008.Web. <>.


Works cited