A Wanted Man

Over the years there were many heresy sighting of Bormann. Some said he had been in the service of the Soviet Union all along and was living safely in Moscow. Others argued that he had escaped to Argentina and had sanctuary under President, Juan Peron. Over the years Bormann was "seen" all over their world including Australia, Egypt, Chile, North Africa, Italy, Brazil, and Ecuador. For nearly three decades Martin Bormann was a wanted man. Martin Bormann had been missing since the night of May 1, 1945. In November of 1972, two sets of remains were uncovered in East Germany one of which resembled Bormann's 5' 7" frame(3). The remains happened to be found near the last place that Bormann had been seen alive. It had been determined, since there was no sign of injury, that the two men had taken poison to kill themselves. After a genetic test it had been concluded that one the 5' 7" body was that of Martin Bormann. The West German government officially declared Martin Bormann dead in 1973. After the trials Martin Bormann was seen all over the world but in reality, he had never left his country that he fought for, and ultimately died for.